quarta-feira, 8 de abril de 2009

Teorias de Rick Rubin

A seguinte citação é tirada de uma peça da Mojo, em que o conhecido produtor conversa com os lendários songwriters Leiber & Stoller. Rubin dá a sua opinião sobre a influência da música de origem negra no rock e pop tocado por artistas brancos:

"I think it continually changes. In the 90s there was nu-metal which was clearly influenced by rap music. Then there was a phase of sort of alternate music more influenced by sort of 80s new wave that was less influenced by black music. And then it went to The White Stripes and The Black Keys and the bands that are influenced by older black music. So it sort of comes in waves, there's no formula to it. The reason, I think, that in Leiber & Stoller's day Pat Boone could have a hit with a whitewash version of Little Richard was that you couldn't hear Little Richard. In today's world, when you can hear the real thing, it's much harder to ape black culture, so you have to be really good at it."

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