Bom, nem foi preciso esperar muito. Win Butler, vocalista dos Arcade Fire, já tratou de responder ao ataque de Wayne Coyne. Sem mais demoras, aqui fica a declaração publicada no site da banda:
"Wow, I can't believe I am actually writing to defend my bands "real" personality. I wish I could not respond to something like this, but the reality is is that people will be asking me questions about it for the next 5 years. I also fear that people will base their opinion of our band on the media quotes of a guy who doesn't even know us.
The only time we have ever shared a stage with the Flaming Lips was our last show on the Funeral tour at a festival in Las Vegas (over 3 years ago)...we arrived the morning of the show from Brazil, slept all day and awoke into some kind of surreal Vegas jet-lag dream in which we were playing after the Flaming Lips...how strange...I was really excited to meet Wayne. Clouds Taste Metallic was a huge record for me, and growing up in the weirdness of Houston, I always imagined Oklahoma City to be in the same universe. I was really nervous to meet him and I felt a little weird that we were playing after them. We traded a little hello, but he was a hard guy to get a read on. Steven Drodz was super nice, and I felt good after talking to him...
So...I am not sure Wayne is the best judge (based on seeing us play at a couple of festivals) if we are righteous, kind and goodhearted people like The Edge and Justin Timberlake (who I am sure he knows intimately as well). I can't imagine a reason why we would have been pompous towards The Flaming Lips, a band we have always loved, on that particular night, all those years ago. Unless I was way more jet-lagged then I remember, I hope I was less of a "prick" then telling Rollingstone that a bunch of people I don't know at all are really assholes.
As a closing note, the main point that I am offended by in this whole thing is for Wayne to say we treat our audience like shit...
At times like these I am comforted by knowing that even though Wayne slammed Beck all those years ago, he seems like a really nice guy to me. I guess everyone has a different idea of what being pompous means.
3 comentários:
Não sou a maior fã dos Arcade Fire mas custa-me a crer que eles maltratem a entourage e os fãs.
O Flaming Lippo, que muito prezo, deve ter sonhado... : )
Este foi mais simpático pelo menos. O Wayne devia especificar mais o que quer dizer por "treat like shit". Não gosto dos Arcade Fire mas pelo que ouço é beca exagero. Que farão eles aos fans, atiram-lhes papel higiénico para cima??? :)))
Pelo contrário. Até fazem coisas como esta:
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